Jul 28, 2023
Today’s episode is on the 5 most common mental game myths that we hear about in our office. Whether that’s seeing content on social media, hearing it from players and their past experiences, or from other coaches, these myths absolutely drive us up the wall. So we want to set the record straight as to why these are myths and then what the actual truth about the mental game is.
Also, want to take a minute to talk about our new live YouTube show - Mental Game LIVE. I am sure many of you have already tuned in, but in case you haven’t yet, this is the best mental game resource you can possibly consume, and the best part is - it is absolutely FREE to you.
Only thing you have to do is subscribe to Bhrett’s YouTube channel by going to YouTube.com/@drbhrettmccabe and click the Subscribe button as well as hitting the bell to make sure you get notified when we go LIVE every single week.